Sonar spots invisible Arctic oil spills

Source: Scientific American, May 2014 The article speaks about how Arctic Ocean drilling may cause dangerous leaks under ice which are not visible by the eye but may be traced by sonars. Click here to read the full article. The post Sonar spots invisible Arctic oil spills appeared first on EuroGOOS.

ICES launches call for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services

ICES seeks data providers for regional overviews Source: ICES news archive This call for expressions of interest in providing Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (OOPS) to the ICES advice process is aimed at the expert groups in ICES, as well as the MyOcean community and the satellite earth observation community, who produce, or are planning… Read more »

Euro-Argo receives recognition as ERIC

Euro-Argo – Global ocean observing infrastructure gets EU legal status Source: EC DG Research & Innovation & Euro-Argo European Commission recently granted the ERIC legal status to Euro-Argo, the European contribution to Argo – a global array of autonomous instruments deployed over the world ocean and reporting near-real time subsurface ocean properties to a wide… Read more »

Commission Action Plan for Innovation in the ‘Blue Economy’

EC presents plan to help use ocean resources sustainably and drive growth and jobs in Europe Source: EUROPA, Press release database The Commission action plan proposes to: Deliver a digital map of the entire seabed of European waters by 2020. Create an online information platform, to be operational before the end of 2015, on marine research… Read more »

EurOCEAN 2014 conference

Save the date of October 7-9 in your diaries for the EurOCEAN 2014 conference, which is taking place in Rome. The EurOCEAN 2014 conference will focus on the grand challenges of marine and maritime research and policy. Bringing together marine scientists from a broad range of disciplines with policymakers, industry and NGOs, a key output… Read more »

European Marine Board publication: Navigating the Future IV

In its new position paper, Navigating the Future IV, the European Marine Board scans the horizon to anticipate emerging societal challenges and corresponding future research priorities concerning the seas and oceans. Navigating the Future IV can be downloaded at: The post European Marine Board publication: Navigating the Future IV appeared first on EuroGOOS.

A new start for EuroGOOS

Dr. Kostas Nittis, EuroGOOS AISBL Secretary General At the EuroGOOS Annual meeting on 23 November 2012, it was agreed to start the process of creating a new EuroGOOS International Non-Profit Organisation, under Belgian Law. Several EuroGOOS members have already signed the founding declaration, and the new organisation, officially known as EuroGOOS AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif), will… Read more »