EuroGOOS General Assembly took place in Brussels from 31 May to 2 June 2017. 56 delegates attended the special open session dedicated to ocean observing and derived marine data and services. EuroGOOS and European Marine Board presented the progress in the development of an integrated and sustained European Ocean Observing System, EOOS. Coordinated by those two networks, EOOS is being built as an open and inclusive framework. The recent stakeholder consultation delivered valuable recommendations to the EOOS steering group co-chaired by EuroGOOS and EMB. Furthermore, global efforts of GOOS and the G7 ministers’ ocean observation initiative were presented.
Copernicus vision and ongoing integration and optimization efforts were showcased by speakers from three Copernicus services: Marine, Climate, and Security. Furthermore, the European Environment Agency shared their work in support of the in-situ component across the services. The European Space Agency updated the meeting on the Copernicus evolution and sentinel expansion.
European marine data aggregation initiatives, SeaDataNet and EMODnet, presented their work programmes. Both initiatives have entered a new phase, EMODnet having entered its third and last phase, and SeaDataNet having started a new Horizon 2020 project, SeaDataCloud.
Following the informative and fruitful special session, the meeting proceeded to discuss the EuroGOOS core activities, namely the developments in the EuroGOOS regional systems, ROOSes, infrastructure networks, Task Teams, and cross-cutting Working Groups. EuroGOOS chair and the office introduced an advancement of the EuroGOOS 2014-2020 strategy, with a set of five priorities to be implemented across all activities. The strategy will continue to be supported with a targeted communication. EuroGOOS also presented the communication efforts promoting EOOS, including a dedicated website, publications and presentations at stakeholder events.
On the last day of the Assembly, the formal session approved new EuroGOOS membership application from the Coastal Observing and Forecasting System, SOCIB, Spain, presented by director Dr. Joaquín Tintoré. The members also approved a new EuroGOOS working group on coastal oceanography aiming to integrate the in-situ observation needs, modelling and planning for the European coasts working closely with EuroGOOS regional systems, ROOSes. Finally, George Petihakis, HCMR, Greece, was nominated as chair-elect to be appointed as chair in the 2018 elections. Dr. Petihakis will start working with chair Dr. Erik Buch who will step down in 2018.
Photo below features EuroGOOS Members and Chairs of EuroGOOS Regional Operational Oceanographic Systems, ROOSes, Task Teams and Working Group, as well as members of the EuroGOOS Office, on Day 2 of the General Assembly, 1 June 2017

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