MonGOOS Workshop on the importance of scales and uncertainties in Ocean transport: physical and biochemical interactions in the Mediterranean Sea


This workshop invites contributions that address ocean transport at multiple scales and aim to advance in the understanding of the interaction between physical and biological processes (i.e. from biogeochemical tracers to higher trophic levels) as well as with SAR operations, and transport (jellyfish, larvae, plastics, etc.). We welcome studies dealing with modelling approaches, ocean observations including multiplatform infrastructures (drifters, HF radars, satellite data, etc.) and uncertainties assessment (i.e. forecast error, ensemble spread, probability distribution, threshold exceedance, etc.), emphasising multidisciplinary interactions. The interdisciplinary nature of the biological, biogeochemical and physical interactions of this meeting promotes the exchange of ideas and contributions across different fields, such as physical and biological oceanography, complex systems, marine ecology, geophysical fluid dynamics and applied mathematics.


The book of abstracts of this workshop is available here.


Sant'Apollonia Auditorium