MonGOOS Workshop
November 14 2017. Athens, Greece
Mediterranean Sea Observing System
Monitoring the Mediterranean Sea with in-situ instrumentation is a vital endeavour to face the challenges in the region: climate change, coastal erosion, water quality, etc… During the last decades, different institutions have implemented measuring networks and programmes, today integrated in the MONGOOS data center.
Budget reductions and lack of coordination jeopardize the ability of the system to address these challenges. We propose a workshop to explore together the present situation of the Mediterranean observing system and design ways-forward.
This workshop, coordinated with CMEMS, EuroGOOS and AfricaGOOS, is also an opportunity to improve alignment with several organizations, strategies and project calls, provide recommendations to MONGOOS community and meet potential partners to build proposals.
Workshop Objectives:
- Review the status of the Mediterranean Sea in-situ observing system.
- Describe success stories that demonstrate the importance of in-situ measurements and its connection with the final users.
- Analyze gaps in the observing system and trace the path towards an integrated Mediterranean observatory.
- Explore integration with future EOOS.
- Discuss ways forward.

Workshop sessions:
The workshop was divided in three thematic sessions:
Session 1: Review of the existing systems, with their capabilities, limitations, detected problems and success histories, including practical and scientific benefits
Session 2: Integrating the Med. Sea network: contributions shall describe initiatives towards a further integration of the Mediterranean Observing System or shall describe gap analyses studies
Session 3: open discussion on ways forward
The workshop was leaded by MonGOOS data working group and took place the day preceding 2017 MonGOOS Annual Assembly in Athens, Greece on November 14th. The event was hosted by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
The workshop was held at the Divani Palace Acropolis Hotel, located on the historic district of Athens.
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