VII MonGOOS Annual Assembly
Genoa, Italy. 5th-6th December 2018
2018 Annual Assembly will take place at the Aquarium site, in Genoa, from 4th to 6th of December. On this ocassion the meeting will be co-organized with EMODNET Physics and co-sponsored by GEO Blue Planet and CMEMS
The afternoon of the first day (4th) and the morning of the second day (5th) will be dedicated to a “Workshop on Operational Oceanography Downstream Services and Applications” with also a specific session on Downstream from EMODNET Physics. The afternoon of 5th and 6th of December will be dedicated to the MONGOOS assembly.
Confirmation is required to organize logistics.
2018 Annual Assembly will take place in the Aquarium of Genoa, located right in the old town of Genoa: the Old Port. The meeting will be in the “Salone blu”, it has a direct access from the side (see map).
We would like to thank Antonio Novellino (ETT) and the Aquarium of Genoa for helping in the organization of the meeting.