MonGOOS Workshop
4th-5th December 2018. Genoa, Italy
Download Brochure Download Agenda
Understanding marine dynamics and its impact in several socioeconomic sectors is a key element for the development of Blue economy at the Mediterranean. To achieve this goal, obtaining high quality data is mandatory, but not sufficient. Downstream services convert this data into useful information and services tailored for specific final users.
These services constitute today a essential key component to ensure the usability of the operational oceanography systems data and, therefore, a vital tool to ensure its long termsustainability.
In that conext, 2018 Workshop will be dedicated to operational oceanography downstream services and applications and it will include a specific session on Downstream from EMODNET Physics.
Objectives of the workshop:
- Review existing downstream services and applications. Describe success stories that demonstrate its importance
- Develop the concept that applications are key element for EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service, contributing to the scientific understanding of our ocean
- Demonstrate the capacity of serving Blue Growth, SGD 14 and GOOS societal challenges related to ocean health and climate change. Connect with international initiative such as Geo Blue
- Planet and JCOMM
- Enforce the connection with users. Consolidate the engagement of private sector
- Analyze gaps in the services we are providing. Explore new ideas for development of Downstream applications.
- Search for joint projects and initiatives
- Discuss ways forward
Workshop sessions:
Session 1. EMODnet Physics and downstream services; using integrators (e.g. EMODnet Physics, CMEMS, SDN) and integrators portal interoperability services to discover, access, download and use data and data products into downstream applications
Session 2. Presentation of downstream services and uses. Different relevant sectors are considered, such as:
a) Aquaculture and fishery
b) Tourism and sports activities;
c) Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Maritime spatial planning;
d) Transport and harbour services;
e) Marine digital services;
f) Technologies for maritime safety;
g) Climate change and anthropogenic impacts on marine environment;
h) Energy from the sea
Session 3: Open discussion on ways forward
The workshop will take place in the Aquarium of Genoa, Italy and it will be co-organized with EMODNET Physics and co-sponsored by GEO Blue Planet and CMEMS. The meeting will be in the “Salone blu”, it has a direct access from the side (see map).The meeting will be in the “Salone blu”, it has a direct access from the side (see map).
Download agenda of the workshop
Instructions for contribution submission
Abstract (one page max.) must be sent to MonGOOS secretariat
15 minutes presentations + 5 min discussion
Each author is allowed to send one contribution to session 1 and 2. Session 3 does not allow presentations.
If time does not permit oral presentations for all accepted contributions, some could be asked to be presented in poster format
We would like to thank Antonio Novellino (ETT) and the Aquarium of Genoa for helping in the organization of the meeting.