The call for the third EuroGOOS Kostas Nittis Medal is now open. The medal is accompanied by a grant amounting to € 3,000 aim to support the participation of young researchers and marine professionals in relevant conferences and events. The awardee is given a chance to present their research or technology at relevant events, building a professional network, gaining real life experience and reaching out to potential partners and/or employers.
This medal was stablished in 2015 in the memory of EuroGOOS Secretary General and strategic leader Dr. Kostas Nittis
The call is open to marine researchers or professionals according to the following criteria:
Candidate must be younger than 35 years old;
Candidate will have made a significant contribution to operational oceanography (technology, research, software, product/service) which is described and documented;
Candidate nominations must come from the current EuroGOOS members.
Deadline for nominations: 30 June 2017
The award ceremony for the 2017 medal will take place at the 8th EuroGOOS International Conference in Bergen on 3-5 October 2017.
The first Kostas Nittis Medal 2015 was awarded to Pablo Lorente Jimenez by European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella at the European Maritime Day 2015 in Athens. The second medal 2016 was received by Angelique Melet at a dedicated event of the EuroGOOS Annual Assembly Stakeholders Day.
For Further Information:
Web: http://eurogoos.eu/
Phone: +32 (0) 2238 37 90
Address: 231 av. Louise, 1050 Brussels, Belgium